പ്രസംഗ പരിശീലനം സഭാകമ്പം” “സ്റ്റേജിനെ പേടി” എന്നിവ തരണം ചെയ്യാന്‍‍ സ്പെഷ്യല്‍ ഓണ്‍ലൈന്‍‍ ട്രെയിനിംഗ് ഇനി ലോകത്തെവിടെ ഇരുന്നും പഠി...
35 Lectures
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₹10,000 ₹5,000
30 Days - 1 Year validity
₹5,000 ₹5,000
With no prior experience, you will have the opportunity to walk through hands-on examples with Hadoop and Spark frameworks, two of the most common ...
30 Days - 1 Year validity
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₹5,000 ₹5,000
1 Lectures
5 Hour
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₹10,000 ₹2,000
With no prior experience, you will have the opportunity to walk through hands-on examples with Hadoop and Spark frameworks, two of the most common ...
4 Lectures
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